Something New
After writing this column for five years, it’s sometimes difficult to uncover new material that hasn’t already been addressed. The basic rules of health and wellness and proper lifestyle don’t change that much. Having said this, I did read an article recently about proper digestion and nutrition that triggered a subject I have not yet breached. Today, I’d like to discuss the importance of digestive enzymes.
When I came to Madison 14 years ago I was alarmed that nearly every new client that came through the door suffered from some digestive disorder and most were taking medications for acid reflux, irritable bowel, or even more severe conditions. I literally believed there was something in the water! There are numerous root causes for digestive distress. Emotional stress, stimulants (caffeine and nicotine), and lack of sleep put us into a fight/flight mode that suppresses normal digestion. Likewise, a toxic diet rich in fake, processed, inflammatory foods with excessive sugar, grains, and trans-fats can wreak havoc. Even age is a factor because as we age we tend to have more trouble absorbing nutrients through the linings of the intestine and we experience a decline of our digestive enzymes. Almost none of the food we eat could be utilized without digestive enzymes. These enzymes are chemicals that take the food that has been chewed in the mouth, churned in the stomach, and squeezed into the intestine, and they break down the large particles into individual nutritional units that can absorb through the microscopic pores of the intestine to enter the bloodstream and be utilized in the body. These enzymes are broken into three flavors – amylase, protease, and lipase that serve to break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats respectively. One key factor to remember about these chemicals is that raw food contains its own enzymes to help kick-start digestion. This is yet another reason why raw fruits and vegetables are so critical. Because the modern diet consists largely of highly cooked and processed foods, our enzymes stores become taxed and depleted leading to numerous digestive disturbances and health problems. If you’re having any kind of digestive distress, supplementing with digestive enzymes can be helpful and provide a safe, natural solution to numerous digestive problems. These enzymes are vitamins that contain the amylase, protease, and lipase that we should be producing naturally and should also be getting from raw foods.
How do you know if you’re deficient in your digestive enzymes? The classic symptoms are indigestion, nausea, bloating, gas, heartburn, and appetite loss. The obvious solution for this is to clean up the diet and start eating more raw foods. However, some people’s systems are so taxed that they need more help especially in the beginning. This is where the enzyme supplements come into play. Remember, there are no daily recommended allowances for Tums or Prilosec. Why not try something natural that is supposed to be in your body already and comes with zero side-effects? What we do in our office, and my only stipulation when choosing an enzyme supplement is to find one that is made from whole food.