Monday, October 26, 2020

Reducing Rust

In the past, I’ve discussed oxidative stress and the accepted theory that the free radicals generated by this oxidative stress are what cause us to age and develop disease.  I like to teach people that oxidative stress is very comparable to rust on metal.  After all, rust is oxidation.  This oxidation in the body is directly linked to arthritis, skin wrinkling, plaque in the arteries, and even damage to DNA that causes cells to age more rapidly.  There are many strategies to try to limit oxidative stress and free radical damage such as diets high in fruits and vegetables, exercise, and stress reduction.  There’s also one strategy that may come as a surprise.   I know improved aging is not what people normally think of with chiropractic care, but I wanted to share a research study that showed how regular chiropractic adjustments were found to reduce oxidative stress while enhancing cellular and DNA repair.

In a landmark study in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, researchers from the University of Lund in Sweden looked to see if chiropractic care could enhance health by reducing the effects of oxidative stress.  The researchers looked at serum thiol levels to measure overall health studies of the subjects being tested.  Serum thiols are primary antioxidants found in the blood that reduce free radical damage and help repair DNA and are widely accepted as markers to correlate with increased lifespan versus accelerated aging.  The goal was to look at the thiol levels of three groups: those under long-term chiropractic care, those under short-term care, and those with no history of chiropractic.  Quite simply, those under long-term care consistently demonstrated higher levels of serum thiol than the other two groups being studied.  The reason for this is because chiropractic adjustments, when delivered to reduce the interference placed on the nervous system from spinal misalignment, minimize the effects of physical, chemical, and emotional stressors on the body.  By enhancing the performance of the nervous system, we enhance our ability to heal and adapt to stress in general.  This stress reduction is associated with decreased oxidative stress on the entire body and specifically in the DNA of our cells.

While chiropractic care is accepted as an effective treatment for back pain and headaches, any chiropractor in the country will tell you that there’s much more to the story.  When spinal alignment is restored and pressure from the nervous system is reduced, we see numerous symptoms and conditions improve.  However, the important thing to focus on is not necessarily the symptoms but that the body is functioning better because the nervous system is working more efficiently and coordinating normal physiology and healing.  This is one of the main reasons why we consider chiropractic care a foundation for any program to enhance overall health and wellness.

Monday, October 12, 2020

What Makes This Oil So Special?

I’ve discussed the importance of fish oil in the past.  Fish oil is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids that have been proven to do all the following: improve the heart, normalize cholesterol and blood sugar levels, improve memory and concentration while decreasing mood swings and depression, reduce arthritis and joint pain, improve brain and liver function, and support immune function and decrease general aging.  Sounds like pretty great stuff!  You should know that not all fish oils are created equal.  Some lower quality oils are tainted with PCB’s, mercury and other heavy metals.  The biggest complaint of taking some lower quality oils is the “fishy burps.”  While these are unpleasant for the victim (and all those around him), they also are a sign of a rancid oil.  Fish oil does have the tendency to perish and oxidize quickly.  Rancid oil will give off free radicals which are very damaging to the body and undermine the benefits of taking the product in the first place.

What about skipping the oil and just eating more fish?  While this strategy used to be sound, today most fish is tainted with mercury and other toxins.  Unless you’re getting isolated sources of wild Alaskan salmon, many say it’s not even safe to eat fish more than 2 times per week.  Most other fish sources are farm-raised unnaturally and fed on grains.  These sources still contain the toxins and lack much of the omega 3 content that you’re wanting from fish to begin with. 

These omega 3 fatty acids are truly essential because they cannot be produced in the body and must come from outside sources.  Other dietary sources include flax seed, walnuts, most green vegetables, some beans and seeds and other meat sources that were raised “free-range” on grasses.  While it can be accomplished with diet, this is one situation where I find it easier to simply take the pill!

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


If you’ve followed this column for any length of time, you’ve known me to discuss the importance of a healthy immune system in regard to every aspect of health.  Likewise, you should know many of the strategies for maintaining a healthy immune system such as reducing sugar and trans fats from the diet, getting at least 7 hours of sleep per night, eating raw fruits and vegetables with every meal, using exercise, massage, and/or chiropractic to reduce structural stresses from the nervous system, and supplementing with fish oil, vitamin D, and probiotics.  You should also understand how excessive amounts of physical, chemical, and emotional stresses greater than the body’s ability to adapt will ultimately weaken nervous system and immune function and it is at this time when our immunity is down that we can fall susceptible to all the germs we are routinely exposed to, but our trained defense system keeps at bay. Right? 

But sometimes stress happens and despite our best efforts, we can become susceptible to infection.  What happens then?  From our first breath of air as a newborn, our immune system is actively programming T-lymphocytes (white blood cells) whose job is to recognize specific pathogens (germs).  Once programmed, these cells function to eliminate any unwanteds that we should contact on future exposures.  This type of programmed immunity is life-long.  I recently learned that on the unfortunate times that we fall to an infection, when the infection is an agent we’ve come in contact before, it takes up to three days for the appropriate T-lymphocyte to mobilize and fight off the invaders.  On the occasion that we are infected by a new/unrecognizable germ, it takes up to seven days to program the appropriate lymphocytes and fight off the invader.  Speaking as someone who hasn’t taken an antibiotic in many years, this timeline only strengthens my conviction of the body’s ability to heal itself and my willingness to let my body fight it off.  On the flip side however, infections can be at best unpleasant and at worst very dangerous.  Knowing this timeline should help you to decide if and when you need to take more aggressive measures.  I hope this information helps.

In addition, we are highlighting the following immune boosting supplements in our office this month.

Vitamin D for daily use

            Vitamin D is best known for supporting the health of our bones. However, there is also accumulating research showing that vitamin D strengthens the muscle cells within the heart and the vascular system. By strengthening these muscle cells, optimal levels of vitamin D have the ability to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Another benefit of vitamin D is that it has been shown to boost production of natural compounds within the body that protect us against harmful pathogens.

MitoCore for daily use

            We have all been taught that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of our cells. Mitocore gives our mitochondria the nutrients that they need to produce energy. It includes key micronutrients that protect the mitochondria from wear and tear. It also has ingredients that have been shown to support the immune system such as broccoli seed extract and green tea.

Viracid for immediate immune support/daily use

Viracid is designed to be used as both an immediate immune support for someone suffering from an acute illness such as a cold or the flu, but it can also be used as a daily immune support for a limited time. Viracid contains vitamins A and C, along with botanical extracts that have been traditionally used for their immune boosting properties such as astragalus, echinacea, black elderberry and andrographis. Viracid should not be used as a daily support for more than a few months as it can eventually lessen the natural immune response within the body.  

Lauricidin for daily use

Lauricidin® is a naturally occurring fat that is derived from coconut oil. It works by breaking down the protective outer coating of bacteria, viruses and fungi which can then be targeted and removed from the body easier through the immune system. This makes lauricidin a safe and effective supplement with antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties.

Immune Active for daily use

Immune Active® is a supplement designed for the cold and flu season. It’s ingredients including EGCG from green tea, zinc, quercetin, and vitamin C have been shown to support proper immune function. Zinc also has the ability to shorten the duration of upper respiratory infections by modulating the production of inflammatory cytokines. Another important ingredient is N-Acetylcysteine which supports and protects our mitochondria. This support and protection allows our mitochondria to maintain proper energy levels within our cells allowing them to fight off viruses and foreign bacteria.