The end goal of chiropractic care is to improve the overall function and well-being of the patient. This includes improving the function of the spine, joints, nervous system, and organs. Proper functions of the body allow for a healthier and more adaptable human, giving the person the ability to deal with the stresses of everyday life.
A quick, easy, and effective way to determine the function of the autonomic nervous system and the adaptability of the body is to measure heart rate variability (HRV). The autonomic nervous system controls all of the vital functions of the body including heart rate, and is divided into the sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous systems. If a patient is healthy and highly adaptable they can quickly switch back and forth between fight or flight, and rest and digest. This patient would have a high HRV measure. If a patient is unhealthy and not highly adaptable they cannot quickly switch between fight or flight and rest and digest. This patient would have a low heart rate variability.
Adaptability is important for every person because we shouldn’t always be stuck in either fight or flight, or rest and digest. When someone is always stuck in fight or flight their body is going to be highly stressed and they may experience restlessness, anxiety, muscle pains, etc. Vice versa, if someone is always in rest and digest mode they may have cardiovascular issues, obesity, and the list goes on.
Stop into Rivertown Chiropractic to get your adaptability tested! Ask for your heart rate variability test.