The Christmas Season is a great time to start a gratitude
You need a notebook kept
bedside so each night, right before you go to sleep, you can write 5 things for
which you are thankful and grateful in your life. Really feel this! This will put your subconscious mind (that
runs your body) in a relaxed, positive state and help keep you there while you
sleep. First thing in the morning before
you get out of bed, grab the journal and begin reading all that you have
written over the previous nights until you “feel” that you are in a true state
of gratitude. This should not just be a
list of stuff – it should be a list of everything meaningful in the past,
present and even future. Doing this in
the morning will help you start your day in the right state. This strategy sounds simple, but I’ve seen it
be extremely effective. Even if you
believe yourself to be a positive person, commit to doing this for one month
and see what changes take place in your life.
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