Metabolic Syndrome became widely known in the 1970’s. A person who is diagnosed with it runs a much
greater risk of dying early from heart disease, coronary artery disease, type
II diabetes, and stroke. The syndrome is
characterized by a list of common risk factors including: blood pressure higher
than 130/85, blood glucose over 100, triglycerides over 150, HDL (“good”)
cholesterol under 40 for men and 50 for women, and a waist measurement around
the belly-button greater than 40 for men or 35 for women. A person with just three of these five risk
factors will be given the diagnosis of Metabolic Syndrome and will carry the
risk of early death due to these other diseases.
While doctors still resort to treating these risk factors
with medications, all the experts agree that the cause of Metabolic
Syndrome is directly linked to lifestyle choices as is the solution. The simple fact of it is that even if you get
your cholesterol, glucose, and blood pressure numbers down with medications,
you still have the conditions! Unless
you make the appropriate lifestyle changes, the numbers will go back up if you
should cease to take the medications.
You must address the ultimate causes of this syndrome and these diseases
which are: lack of exercise, diets high in sugars, processed carbohydrates and
grains, and chronic emotional stress.
Because this syndrome is such a major factor of our healthcare crisis, I
will focus on the details of the appropriate solutions again next week.
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