Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Why it Works

It will soon be a new year with new resolutions and many, many, new gym memberships.  I believe this is a great thing!  What’s not great is how many people fail to meet their health goals and go back to their old habits after just a couple months.  After helping coordinate our wellness program, I’ve seen that there are three main reasons for this phenomenon.  First, people have the intention but no plan or knowledge of how to meet their goals, so they get frustrated and quit.  Secondly, they overdo it, get sore or hurt from exercising the wrong way and get frustrated and quit.  Finally, even with a plan, the hard work didn’t produce the results desired as quickly as hoped so they get frustrated and quit.  The beauty of RTC Wellness Program or any complete health enhancement program is that it addresses these three pitfalls.

We can all walk into a gym and within just a few minutes pinpoint who knows what they’re doing and who does not.  The ones who know what they’re doing simply had a plan while the others did not.  When you walk into the gym or step onto any machine, you need to know what your workout will be.  How long will it take, what parts are you working, and how much are you doing?  The easiest way to get a plan like this is to consult a personal trainer who can design your workouts to meet your specific goals.  But remember, you need to change your workouts routinely to keep improving and challenging your body for results.  To address the second pitfall mentioned above, I would also consult a personal trainer.  The main reason people get injured with exercise is that they don’t know how to do it properly.  Another reason for injury or excessive soreness is that people tend to overwork some body parts while neglecting others.  This creates an imbalance.  Personal training prevents this.  In our wellness program, we also recommend incorporating chiropractic care and massage to prevent injury.  Many people have structural or muscular imbalances present before they even hit the gym.  These imbalances can often be aggravated when working out.  The chiropractic and massage are also excellent at reducing the normal muscle soreness from exercise which makes it easier for people to keep going and not interrupt their program.  Finally . . .  results!  We all know people who work their tails off and still don’t get the changes they’re looking for.  This is where your program must be more complete.  If you’re looking for weight loss, you must realize that exercise is only about 30% of the solution.  A low glycemic diet with the proper amounts of protein, fruits, and vegetables is the other 70%.  You need to plan your diet with even more diligence than you plan your exercise especially in the beginning to get things going for you.  Some people need to do a detoxification, before even beginning, to rid their body of the toxins stored in the fat cells that can prevent fat metabolism from occurring.  What about stress?  We’ve all seen the commercials about cortisol – the stress hormone that deposits and maintains fat around the belly region.  This is a real thing.  If you cannot sleep properly and you cannot reduce the stress, weight loss is almost impossible.  We take this seriously and utilize meditation along with the diet and exercise to combat the stress component.  Even with all of this, about 10% of the time people still struggle due to hormonal imbalances that have developed over long periods of toxicity, insufficiency, and stress.  In these cases, I recommend consulting a doctor that deals with bio-identical hormones to complement the rest of your program and enhance results.

If you’re renewing your commitment to your health, please use some of the strategies listed above and consider joining us for our FREE wellness talk on December 10th where we will workshop more of these strategies to help you meet your wellness goals for 2019. For more information, call our office at 812-273-HEAL (4325), or visit our Facebook page.

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