Thursday, May 2, 2019

Allergy Alert

If you’re one of the 25 million Americans who suffer from allergies, you already know that it is now “allergy season”!  In my opinion, allergies are yet another one of those things we accept as normal and just deal with.  Have you ever questioned why we have allergies?  Do you wonder if we should get this type of reaction to grass, flowers, or tree bark?  I have, and I decided to do some research to figure out why this happens and what are some possible solutions.

Allergies are your body’s reaction (or overreaction) to particles that are perceived as foreign.  In response, your body releases an antibody specific to the perceived foreign particle that will attach to something called your mast cells.  Your mast cells will then trigger a histamine reaction (amongst other things) that will cause all the symptoms we tend to treat with antihistamines and other meds.  Understand that this is a healthy reaction to a toxic chemical that is not supposed to be in our system; but why does it occur in reaction to so many seemingly normal things?  Many experts believe that the overreaction we get from environmental particles is the response of an oversensitive immune system as a result of toxicity and chronic inflammation.  One of the more widely accepted causes of this phenomenon is leaky gut syndrome.  Leaky gut occurs when tiny gaps form between the cells of the intestinal lining.  These “leaks” make the intestine less selective and allow toxins and other chemicals to enter the bloodstream that would not otherwise be there resulting in inflammation and toxicity.  The famous author, Dr. Loren Cordain, believes leaky gut to be the result of humans eating too many grains and glutens.  For some people, consuming dairy can cause a similar reaction.

Obviously, allergies are not a simple nut to crack.  But, please realize that diet is a well-accepted trigger.  Try eliminating grains and dairy for a couple weeks just to see what happens.  Either way, as 80% of your immune system is in your gut, eliminating processed and toxic foods are key as well as establishing the proper bacteria in your intestine through supplementation of a quality probiotic.  A 2008 study showed that people who took probiotics throughout allergy season had lower levels of an antibody that triggered allergy symptoms along with an increased level of antibody that protects against reactions.  Likewise, a recent German study from the journal Allergy found people who have diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids suffer from fewer allergy symptoms.  So take your probiotics and fish oil.  Perhaps the most important supplement that is getting a great deal of attention in regard to allergic reactions is vitamin D.  Recent research shows that getting your vitamin D levels above 60 ng/ml will reduce allergies and eliminate asthma! In addition, we also carry a supplement called D-Hist which is specifically designed to naturally combat allergies.  So try these four supplements, clean up your diet and consider a 10-28 day detoxification to eliminate harmful chemicals, reduce inflammation and give your system time to heal.

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