Monday, September 24, 2018

Why Weight

Most of you have heard how important it is to include weight lifting as a part of your exercise routine.  Obviously any exercise is better than none at all, but if you’re not doing some form of weight or resistance training at least a couple times per week you are likely missing out on some important benefits.

For instance, in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, they found that lifting weights two times a week can decrease back pain by 18% in just 16 weeks and by 42% if you are strength training four times per week.  Other research has shown that 30 minutes of strength training two to three times per week can improve cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and improve bone density, in addition to reducing fat.  You might remember the Harvard study covered in this very column that showed exercise to be the most important factor in increasing bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.  Weight lifting also boosts your metabolism.  All exercise will burn calories, but the muscle building that is going on with just one good strength training session has been shown to burn 100 extra calories per day for up to three days after the workout.  This is why weight lifting helps keep any weight off that you may have lost with diet and exercise.  A big misconception is that you must do exercises such as yoga to increase flexibility.  While yoga is indeed great for this, a study from the University of North Dakota showed that doing strength training properly through a full range of motion was every bit as effective as stretching and yoga for increasing motion and flexibility in all joints.

Through our wellness program, we have definitely found that lifting weights intimidates many people.  But most of this seems to stem from fear of the unknown or fear of getting hurt.  Once people learn to strength train the right way and are placed on a program, they become very comfortable and even enjoy “pumping iron.”  However, there is a right way and a wrong way to strength train.  The wrong way could not only result in injury, but it will also prevent you from enjoying all the benefits listed above.  For this reason, we do recommend that you consult a trainer when getting started to teach you the right way and also to put you on a program to meet your goals.  A couple of the gyms in town offer this service as do we in our office.  Whatever you choose, don’t miss out on this important aspect of exercise and general wellness!

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