Monday, December 18, 2017

Sugar Buzz

Under the category of new news that’s really old news, I found an article titled, “Does Sugar Promote Heart Disease and Cancer.”  I knew the answer to this question when I started writing these columns three years ago.  Turns out . . . Yep, sugar does indeed still promote these two deadly diseases.  I often share that the Nobel Prize was given to Dr. Otto Warburg back in 1931 for proving that sugar feeds cancer and people are shocked and in wonder why nobody talks about this.  I’m not certain why this is not common knowledge,  but the simple fact is, despite the millions of dollars spent every year on fighting heart disease and cancer, until we acknowledge and address the lifestyle causes that perpetuate these disease, there will be little-to-no change in the outcomes.

More than 1,660,290 new cancer cases are projected to be diagnosed in the US this year, resulting in an estimated 580,350 American deaths while another 600,000 Americans are expected to die of heart disease each year.  I would not expect any change in these outcomes until we face the fact that poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and chronic stress are the direct causes of these ailments.  In looking at the sugar, clinical trials have shown that those who consume high fructose corn syrup tend to develop higher risk factors for cardiovascular disease within as little as just two weeks’ time.  According to recent research, women who drink a lot of soda or other sugary beverages may be at significantly increased risk for endometrial cancer due to resulting increased levels of estrogen.  Three years ago, researchers published findings showing that fructose is readily used by cancer cells to increase their proliferation.  This includes fructose from concentrated fruit juices in addition to the high fructose corn syrup.  On the positive side, other studies indicate that if you limit your sugar, no matter what form you’re getting it in, you effectively decrease your chances of developing cancer.

If you’re looking for more information on this subject, check a book titled The Sugar Fix by Dr. Johnson.   In the meantime, start a plan for you and your family to avoid sugar, and even fructose (from juices), grains and all processed carbohydrates.  Replace these disease promoting foods with large amounts of vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats.  This will reduce your cardiovascular risk by three-fold.  Then, begin a program of regular exercise and you reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer by half!  This is the only way to reverse the trends of chronic disease that burden our society and nobody else is going to do it for us.

Monday, December 11, 2017

‘Tis the Season

I love Christmas as much as the next person.  But what I don’t love is the 8-10 pounds I typically put on through the holidays as well as the general lousy feeling I work to achieve.  And I’m pretty certain I’m not the only one who experiences this – all over the rationale, “But it’s Christmas.”  The fudge, the cookies, the breads and pastries – all because it’s Christmas.  When I think of this, the real magic of Santa is not the flying reindeer or millions of homes he invades all in one night; Santa’s miracle is that he’s not yet a diabetic with heart disease and inflammatory bowel disorder!

Unfortunately, I don’t believe the indulgent traditions of Christmas feasting are soon to change.  Admittedly, broccoli florets and artichoke hearts in the stockings don’t quite spark the holiday cheer.  So here is what I propose: enjoy the holiday season as guilt-free as possible and start new in January.  Of course many people do this every year with a gym membership or an exercise DVD.  But one new resolution that most people have not tried is a detoxification program to cleanse out all the toxins we’ve accumulated in our system.  I’ve always advocated that everyone should do a cleanse once a year and right after the holiday season is the best time.  Several of us in our office have done the ten-day program designed by Metagenics nutritional company and the results are great.  After the first few days, you can expect to experience more energy, better sleep, less pain and muscle soreness, clearer thinking, and the list goes on.  Over time, the buildup of toxins from the environment and lifestyle choices can compromise the way our bodies work and even lead to disease processes.  I heard an expert on the subject put it this way: “It’s not a question of whether or not people are toxic.  It’s a question of how toxic are we?”

This detox by Metagenics works to cleanse the liver, kidneys, and bowel.  I’ve done several different programs in the past, but what I like about this one is that it is only ten days and you should not be hungry on the program.  As long as you stick to the permissible foods in the book that accompanies the package, you’re allowed to eat as much as you choose.  The Metagenics program has also been proven to help rid the body of heavy metals such as aluminum and mercury that have been implicated with neurological disorders such as M.S., Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.  Whether you choose this same program or not, please consider an annual detoxification as part of your health and wellness plan for 2018.  In the meantime have a very Merry Christmas and I hope you are able to reconnect with family and friends and focus on all that we have to be grateful.

Monday, December 4, 2017

An Antioxidant Cocktail

In the past, I’ve reported that the risk of various cancers can be reduced around 50% simply by exercising regularly and by eating the recommended 5-13 servings of fruits and vegetables.  I saw a recent study proving that drinking three cups of green tea each day also cuts the risk in half of numerous different cancers.  If you do the math, performing these three simple habits from an early age dramatically decreases the risk of this still prominent disease.

Drinking green tea has been known for its health benefits for over 5000 years and the reason is thought to be its high antioxidant concentration.  Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize the free radicals in the body known to steal electrons from other molecules ultimately damaging different proteins, enzymes, and genetic material such as DNA.  Another common household antioxidant is brown apple cider vinegar.  I’ve talked about using a couple tablespoons of this to ease arthritic pain in previous columns, but the reason it works also seems to be due to its high content of beta carotene and pectins that serve as antioxidants.  You have to be careful with this vinegar as it is very acidic and can irritate some stomachs if you don’t dilute it in water or juice.

In the past, I’ve made what I refer to an antioxidant cocktail to start my mornings consisting of a cup of green tea with a couple spoons of cider vinegar, the juice of a half lemon, and a dash of raw honey.  The lemon adds flavor and also serves as an effective detoxifying agent for the liver, while the honey sweetens and add some of its own health benefits.  I’d skip the honey if you have any blood sugar problems, however.  This concoction has been reported to ease constipation, lower blood pressure, increase energy, help with weight loss, and decrease joint pain by dissolving uric acid deposits around the joints.  You may need to play with the recipe as it’s a bit of an acquired taste, but give it a try and let me know if you receive any benefits.