Monday, December 17, 2018

Seasonal Solutions

With the colder, wet weather, I’ve been seeing more people with flare-ups of chronic problems and complaints of various aches and pains.  While, I suppose on one hand this is good for business, on the other hand, there are some simple solutions to deal with these aggravations that we all should consider as the seasons change.

In following this column, you should already know that it’s been proven that low pressure fronts in the weather do indeed increase the inflammation associated with arthritis, allergies, sinus problems, and general aches and pains.  Likewise, you should also know that inflammation has been implicated with pain as well as every disease known to man.  If you can win the war on inflammation, you feel better and live a longer, healthier life!  So, if the crappy weather increases inflammatory problems, how do you overcome this, outside of moving to a less threatening environment?  The obvious solutions are the same lifestyle strategies that help any health problem – eat better, mover better (exercise), and think better by reducing stress and getting proper sleep.  These should always be your long-term strategies.  However, there are a few short-term approaches that can give you some quick relief.  At this time of year you should always think about taking or increasing your vitamin D.  The only way to truly know if you’re low in vitamin D is through blood testing, but it is generally accepted that D can be safely taken at 4000-5000 I.U.s per day especially through the winter months until we begin getting our D naturally from sunlight again in the spring.  Vitamin D is particularly important for dealing with seasonal affective disorder, more commonly known as the “winter blues.”  Another common solution is fish oil and vitamin C.  The C and the omega 3’s from fish oil are necessary ingredients for all the steroid hormones produced by the adrenal glands.  These are your body’s natural anti-inflammatories.  In fact, 3000 milligrams of vitamin C have been proven to be as effective in reducing inflammation as prescription medications without the nasty side-effects on the kidneys and liver.  There are also some less scientific “folky” methods of reducing inflammatory pain.  Possibly the oldest remedy is organic apple cider vinegar.  While the reason for its results are largely unknown, cider vinegar can be very effective at reducing joint and arthritic pain and some studies have even shown that it reduces blood sugar and insulin levels.  It’s thought that 2 tablespoons of vinegar in the morning diluted in water or juice is the best way to achieve results.  Vinegar is very acidic so make certain you dilute and use the dark, organic variety.  In the end, reducing inflammation has much to do with antioxidants.  These are the little chemicals that fight against free radical damage.  Fruits and vegetables are your primary source of antioxidants, but as I’ve mentioned before, green tea is a super anti-oxidant.  Use a combination of these strategies along with a healthy lifestyle and this should help you get through another long cold winter much more easily.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Core Four

With the New Year right around the corner, many people will have a renewed commitment to health and several people have asked me what vitamins and supplements they should be taking as part of a program for wellness.  There’s so much confusion on this subject out there and I have seen people literally come in with bags of stuff that they’ve accumulated over the years.  Unfortunately, often much of what people are taking isn’t always necessary and even more times they are taking supplements that contain the same nutrients.  After numerous seminars and books, I’ve found four supplements that everyone agrees to be the basic nutritional foundation.

Understand, in a perfect world, we shouldn’t need any supplementation.  God didn’t screw this up.  We did.  As a result, unless you are eating an array of organic fruits and vegetables with every meal, a high quality multivitamin combined with a multimineral is necessary.  Vitamins don’t do much by themselves; they require the minerals to activate them.  Many of the vitamins out there are junk and don’t even absorb.  At the very least, you should observe your urine turning to a fluorescent yellow color after you’ve been taking these for a few days.  Secondly, you should take omega 3 fatty acids.  These are a required nutrient that the body does not produce.  They are a necessary building block for the anti-inflammatory hormones produced by your adrenal glands.  When you reduce inflammation with these hormones, you reduce your risk of nearly every disease.  Fish oil is your strongest source of omega 3 fatty acids.  However, make certain that the oil is fresh as it oxidizes and turns bad after about 90 days on the shelf.  Next, a probiotic is key.  These are the good bacteria that are found in healthy soil.  Microbes such as acidophilus and lactobacillus serve to break down waste in the colon and assist bowel function.  They also are a first line of defense for any bad bugs ingested from food and drink.  Probiotics also produce enzymes that are critical for the immune system.  We should take these regularly, but it is critical after a round of antibiotics as these drugs wipe out the good bugs.  Lastly, Vitamin D is often recommended.  Unless you are getting regular exposure to the sun and allowing time for this vitamin to be released to the surface of the skin and be reabsorbed before washing it off in the shower or the pool, you should supplement.  Nearly every sunscreen blocks the rays that stimulate Vitamin D.  This nutrient should not be looked at just as a vitamin – it is a hormone precursor that helps regulate the function of your endocrine (hormonal) system.  Most people are insufficient in D, but the only true way to know if your levels are adequate is with occasional blood testing.

As mentioned before, with a diet of healthy organic fruits and vegetables grown in natural soil and grass fed organic meats or fish along with adequate sun exposure, we don’t really need any of these things.  But in the world we live in, these four supplements should be considered essential for your body to function normally and to help prevent numerous forms of illness.  Work on your diet and consider adding these products to your strategy for better health and wellness. 

Monday, November 26, 2018

The Universal Solvent

If you’ve followed this column over the years, you know that physical, chemical, and emotional stressors, beyond the individual’s ability to adapt, are the root cause of nearly all disease.  Two of these are easier to adapt to and prevent a state of excess.  For physical stress, you need to make time for regular exercise and utilize healing methods such as chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, yoga, etc.  In the case of chemical stress, you need to reduce the toxins from fake foods, drugs/medications, and other chemicals while fortifying with the proper sources of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables.  But what do you do for emotional stress?  Given the season, I thought this would be an appropriate time to discuss strategies of psychological stress reduction.

I found an article that was given to every patient that came to the Mayo Clinic for treatment of fibromyalgia.  The article was all about forgiveness.  The article stressed that we all need to let go of grievances, anger, resentment, guilt, and regret.  These negative emotions only hurt the person who’s carrying them while stimulating the hormones in our body that perpetuate the stress response.  This response is known to cause high blood pressure and cholesterol, inflammation and pain, depression, sleep disorders, sexual dysfunction, cancer and virtually every other ailment.  As the Mayo article states, we have to let go in order to begin the healing process.  Traditionally, there are five basic steps to achieve complete forgiveness.  First you need to forgive any other person that is involved.  This does not mean you agree with the person or condone their behavior – you’re just letting go and not letting them control you anymore.  Next, you allow the other person to forgive you for any part you may have played in the situation or conflict.  Most importantly you need to forgive yourself.  Fourth, you need to learn the lesson from the situation.  Try to find some positive lesson you can gain from going through even the most negative experience.  Finally, and this one’s the toughest, once you recognize a lesson, you need to be grateful for that lesson and the opportunity the conflict gave you to learn from that situation.  These steps sound simple and sometimes it can be when you’re ready to let go. 

Emotional stress truly is the silent killer because it gets into our subconscious mind and alters our physiology through the stress response.  Fortunately, healthy diet and exercise can help shut off the stress response temporarily.  Yoga and meditation are also very helpful at interrupting stress at a subconscious level and helping to restore emotional homeostasis.  But forgiveness is the universal solvent that heals the negative emotions linked to so much stress.  In the spirit of Christmas, I thought I’d leave you with scripture from Mark 11:25:  “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”  Wishing you peace and forgiveness this Christmas and in the coming new year.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Giving Thanks

As a chiropractor, I’m always challenging people to look to the cause of their pain, ailment, or illness because unless you uncover the cause, you’ll always be treating and managing the symptoms.  The World Health Organization has reported that the ultimate cause of any loss of health is excessive amounts of physical, chemical, and/or emotional stress beyond the body’s natural ability to adapt.  Research suggests that emotional stress is the single biggest factor of these different stressors.  In my discussions with people, I certainly find that many are dealing with excessive amounts of this emotional stress resulting with increased pain, sleep disorders, anxiety and depression, digestive disorders, amongst other health problems.  In preparation for Thanksgiving, I wanted to share a reminder of a strategy on how to reduce the effects of our daily stress.

First of all, I’d like to emphasize that we weren’t born into stress.  Instead, we experience different stress, and over time we practice this stress until we get very good at it.  In time, our conscious stress (what we perceive and what we choose to focus on) becomes subconscious stress.  In subconscious stress, our brain is functioning in a revved-up, fight/flight state that is appropriate for survival (fighting a bear) but not appropriate for every-day life.  When our brain is in this state, it changes our physiology through our nervous system and our hormones and our organs start to function differently. Eventually, this can manifest as almost any disease out there.  So we must interrupt the stress response!  Physical exercise, yoga, meditation, prayer, and other disciplines have been proven to decrease stress.  But given the season, I would like to encourage you to just try another strategy that can reduce the subconscious stress.  This strategy is using a gratitude journal.

Science has proven that our brain cannot be in a state of stress and gratitude at the same time.  This is why I like to call, gratitude the universal solvent of all emotional stresses.  All you need is a small notebook or journal and a pen by your bed stand.  In the mornings, before your feet hit the floor, you simply write down five things that you’re grateful for.  These can be big or small.  This is to allow you to at least begin your day in this state with the goal of staying in a state of gratitude as long as possible.  Then at night, right before your head hits the pillow, you read some of the things you’ve written over the mornings until you feel like you are back in that state of gratitude.  This will work best if you stay in this state and don’t let any other thoughts enter your head until you’re asleep.  In doing this, you will be retraining the subconscious mind to be in this state rather than a state of anxiety, depression, anger, etc.  This is a simple strategy that will render results over time.  Give it a try and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Why it Works

It will soon be a new year with new resolutions and many, many, new gym memberships.  I believe this is a great thing!  What’s not great is how many people fail to meet their health goals and go back to their old habits after just a couple months.  After helping coordinate our wellness program, I’ve seen that there are three main reasons for this phenomenon.  First, people have the intention but no plan or knowledge of how to meet their goals, so they get frustrated and quit.  Secondly, they overdo it, get sore or hurt from exercising the wrong way and get frustrated and quit.  Finally, even with a plan, the hard work didn’t produce the results desired as quickly as hoped so they get frustrated and quit.  The beauty of RTC Wellness Program or any complete health enhancement program is that it addresses these three pitfalls.

We can all walk into a gym and within just a few minutes pinpoint who knows what they’re doing and who does not.  The ones who know what they’re doing simply had a plan while the others did not.  When you walk into the gym or step onto any machine, you need to know what your workout will be.  How long will it take, what parts are you working, and how much are you doing?  The easiest way to get a plan like this is to consult a personal trainer who can design your workouts to meet your specific goals.  But remember, you need to change your workouts routinely to keep improving and challenging your body for results.  To address the second pitfall mentioned above, I would also consult a personal trainer.  The main reason people get injured with exercise is that they don’t know how to do it properly.  Another reason for injury or excessive soreness is that people tend to overwork some body parts while neglecting others.  This creates an imbalance.  Personal training prevents this.  In our wellness program, we also recommend incorporating chiropractic care and massage to prevent injury.  Many people have structural or muscular imbalances present before they even hit the gym.  These imbalances can often be aggravated when working out.  The chiropractic and massage are also excellent at reducing the normal muscle soreness from exercise which makes it easier for people to keep going and not interrupt their program.  Finally . . .  results!  We all know people who work their tails off and still don’t get the changes they’re looking for.  This is where your program must be more complete.  If you’re looking for weight loss, you must realize that exercise is only about 30% of the solution.  A low glycemic diet with the proper amounts of protein, fruits, and vegetables is the other 70%.  You need to plan your diet with even more diligence than you plan your exercise especially in the beginning to get things going for you.  Some people need to do a detoxification, before even beginning, to rid their body of the toxins stored in the fat cells that can prevent fat metabolism from occurring.  What about stress?  We’ve all seen the commercials about cortisol – the stress hormone that deposits and maintains fat around the belly region.  This is a real thing.  If you cannot sleep properly and you cannot reduce the stress, weight loss is almost impossible.  We take this seriously and utilize meditation along with the diet and exercise to combat the stress component.  Even with all of this, about 10% of the time people still struggle due to hormonal imbalances that have developed over long periods of toxicity, insufficiency, and stress.  In these cases, I recommend consulting a doctor that deals with bio-identical hormones to complement the rest of your program and enhance results.

If you’re renewing your commitment to your health, please use some of the strategies listed above and consider joining us for our FREE wellness talk on December 10th where we will workshop more of these strategies to help you meet your wellness goals for 2019. For more information, call our office at 812-273-HEAL (4325), or visit our Facebook page.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Behavior Modification

Is there something you know is bad for your health and potential for wellness, but in spite of that knowledge you do it anyway?  Perhaps you watch too much T.V. or stay up too late, or maybe it’s a toxic relationship, or most likely it’s something you put into your body.  We all do this, right?  Oh, we may feel guilty about it afterwards or pledge that we’re never going to do that again.  But the reality is that everything we do, we do because we want to – it gives us instant pleasure.  So the experts, advisors, or judgers in our lives will instruct us that we need to change our behavior.  Let me assure you that this approach will never work because all our behaviors are driven by our beliefs.  Until you change the way you believe or feel about something any attempt at changing the behavior will be short-lived.  Here is an exercise in “belief” modification.

Focus on that behavior that you know is not good for you – the one you do anyway.  Then close your eyes and think of the last time you indulged in this behavior.  While doing this, write down every thought you can recall or the conversation in your head that allowed you to indulge this behavior.  This internal dialogue is your actual subconscious belief about that behavior and it is a lie and merely a rationalization that you’ve programmed yourself to accept over time to provide you temporary pleasure at the expense of your health.  Now write down the consequences of continuing to engage in this unhealthy behavior.  Then right down the consequences (benefits) of changing or eliminating that behavior.  Finally, I want you to look at these consequences and benefits and write a true statement of how your life would be improved when you alter this behavior.  This statement needs to become your new internal dialogue and you need to write this down on a few index cards and post it on your mirror, your fridge, in your car, put a note in your pocket – anywhere you can review it multiple times each day.  You should review this every day for 30 days and see what changes. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

Necessity not Luxury

In my constant search for wellness-related subjects, it occurred to me that I’ve neglected all the massage therapists out there.  The biggest misconception regarding massage is that it’s a luxury that only the wealthy indulge in while they’re vacationing in Monaco.  The other stumbling block with massage is the thought that you’re required to take your clothes off. Neither of these is true.  Many people get massage through their clothing even though it’s not as comfortable.  And for the rest, they usually choose to undress to their undergarments, but remain fully covered by sheets.  The therapist only reveals the part of the body they are working on and the experience should always be comfortable and discreet. 

While massage therapy is great for stress relief and tight muscles, it offers much more than this.  In our wellness program, massage is very helpful with the sore muscles from the rigorous exercise.  Massage helps improve circulation and move the blood through and out of the tissues.  Studies have shown that the therapy can reduce blood pressure at least temporarily.  By releasing endorphins and serotonin, massage is proven to help with depression and anxiety.  By reducing this stress and calming what is called the sympathetic nervous system, massage can even help with digestion.  I believe one of the biggest benefits of massage is that it helps move the lymphatic fluid of the immune system.  This will aid in boosting the immune system to help fight off and prevent infection. 

At last count there were over 20 different massage therapists in Jefferson County.  Many of them are very good.  In my experience the best ones provide service that is long-lasting and can help make change even with chronic pain and muscular problems.  It should make a real difference.  As is true with diet, exercise, chiropractic and everything else, massage therapy works best when you make it part of your regular lifestyle as a habit to promote greater wellness.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Kinesio Taping

In the late 70’s, a taping method was developed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process.  While it’s been around for a long time, it gained popularity and credibility in the 2008 Summer Olympics when many of the athletes were sporting the tape to enhance their performance including the unbeatable sand volleyball team of Walsh and May.  The original product, called Kinesio Tape was developed to have a similar texture and elasticity to human tissue.  The misconception is that this tape is designed to support or limit motion of the joints or tissues.  On the contrary, the tape works by increasing range of motion and increasing circulation thereby promoting healing.

By stretching it on the skin, the Kinesio Tape pulls the upper layers of skin, creating more space between the skin and the muscle. The space created is believed to relieve pressure on the lymph channels in the area between the muscle and the skin, creating more space for lymph flow and better lymph drainage through an affected area.  This drainage is beneficial for nearly any injury because it allows the swelling and inflammation involved with the injury to drain out of the injured area back into the circulation.  This, in turn, takes pressure of the muscles and off the nerve receptors that carry messages of pain back to the brain.  Likewise, by reducing pressure and friction on the muscles, the taping procedures also improve muscle performance and reduce muscle fatigue.  As a result, the Kinesio Taping method is thought to re-educate the nerves and muscles to enhance the healing process, reduce pain and inflammation, enhance performance, improve circulation, as well as prevent injuries of overuse and repetitive trauma.  Each application of the tape is only good for a few days and many times must be repeated, but if the inflammation can be resolved, the resulting relief can be long-lasting.

We utilize this procedure often in our office, and we see results with new and older injuries.  I must admit that, initially, I was reluctant to provide this service, simply because it sounded too good to be true.  However, the taping is being used by all health professions from orthopedists, to physical therapist, chiropractors, and medical doctors.  Everyone seems to agree that this stuff works.  What I like most is that even on the occasions that it doesn’t work; it can do no harm or cause any side effects.  Research the tape and the technique yourself and if you’re dealing with a new or even chronic injury, look into Kinesio Taping as a possible method of relief.

Monday, October 15, 2018

A Mousy Mystery

In the year 2000 a simple study performed at Duke University changed the way scientists looked at genetics and DNA.  The study was set up to look at sets of so-called agouti mice which are mice that displayed an agouti gene causing the mice to be extremely obese and yellow in color.  More than this, the presence of this gene also rendered these mice much more prone to cancer and diabetes.  Almost 100% of the time, these agouti mice would give birth to offspring that also displayed the agouti gene and shared the same bleak fate.  The researchers in the study wanted to see if they could change the outcomes of these offspring by making changes in the mother mice.

Understand that the thinking before this study (and still with many today) was that your DNA is your destiny.  This way of thinking leads many to believe, “Well my Mom had a bad heart, so I will too.”  But the researchers at Duke wanted to see if this was really true.  So they took the obese, yellow agouti mother mice and for a short time before the mice were allowed to become pregnant they simply changed their diets.  They put the mother mice on a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients to see if it would change the destiny of their DNA.  With the first generation, the agouti mothers gave rise to offspring that were slender and mousy brown.  Even more importantly, these offspring did not display their parents’ tendency to cancer and diabetes and therefore lived much longer.  The effects of the gene had essentially been erased.

The importance of this study is its simplicity.  The researchers did not alter the DNA of these mice with genetic therapy or any complicated procedure.  They simply exposed the mice to a healthier lifestyle and they changed the outcome of future generations.  One other point important to understand is that the offspring of the agouti mothers still shared the same genes.  What happened here is that the change in environment, or in this case lifestyle, changed the expression of these genes thereby changing the outcome.  Similar changes in your own lifestyle will invariably change the expression of your DNA to your own benefit and to the benefit of future generations. 

Monday, October 8, 2018

A Modern Misconception

A new client in our office expressed his relief when I shared his recommended treatment plan.  I simply told him I expected a full recovery and that he should expect these results in the next few weeks.  He breathed a sigh of relief and said that he’d been very worried as he’d always heard that chiropractors try to keep you coming back in forever.  Personally, I don’t believe this is a reality any more than it is that dentists are scheming to keep people on the books by recommending they get there teeth checked and cleaned.

The misunderstanding lies in the belief that chiropractic is about relieving pain and symptoms.  The reality is that chiropractic or any other qualified practice of health and wellness is about reducing the stresses on the body that are causing pain and symptoms in the first place.  Done properly, chiropractic always works to reduce stress from the spine and the nervous system that serves to coordinate all body function including how effectively the body heals.  More often than not, reducing this stress will result in relief of pain and symptoms as well as an improved state of health.  The problem is that stresses that cause the body to move away from balance or homeostasis are the result of lifestyle habits and choices – specifically the accumulation of physical, chemical, and emotional stresses.  We cannot escape this.  What we eat, drink, and breathe, and how we exercise, sleep, and think are the determining factors of health over disease.

So why do people get “hooked” or feel the need to continue their visits to the chiropractor?  I can think of only two reasons.  First, just like with the dentist, it makes sense to them to get a check-up to insure proper spinal and nerve function so that they may avoid problems in the future.  And secondly, people return for relief of aches and pains that are the direct result of improper lifestyle choices and habits.  This could be diet, this could be emotional stress, and it could be a general lack of exercise.  Most often, it’s all of the above.  Unless you identify and address the source of the stress on the body causing you to become “out of tune,” symptoms will continue to return and you will never maintain a state of homeostasis or wellness.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Breakthrough Treatment

Medical researchers have identified a treatment that provides unprecedented benefits!  This breakthrough procedure can provide all of the following: prevent 91% of cases of type II diabetes, prevent 50% of strokes and 50% of heart disease, reduce risk of congestive heart failure by 63%, reduce the risk of breast cancer by 60%, pancreatic and colon cancer by 50%, lung cancer and melanomas both by 72%.  In fact, this procedure reduces the risk of all mortality by 67% in the general population and by 50% of those 61-81 years of age.

How does this work?  The researchers believe the treatment is so effective due to its ability to increase the function of the immune and digestive systems and improve bowel function along with increasing antioxidants in the body.  Likewise, this treatment increases serotonin levels (the “feel-good” hormone) and also increases growth hormone while simultaneously decreasing blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides.  Of course like with any powerful treatment, there are some side-effects.  This therapy seems to decrease symptoms and risk of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis and enhance greater strength and balance.  There also is a link to memory.  This treatment seems to prevent Alzheimer’s by 62% and dementia by 52%.

What is this breakthrough treatment identified by the Journal of Applied Physiology?  All these benefits and “side-effects” are the direct result of regular exercise.  That’s right…plain, simple exercise.  If all the benefits listed above came in the form of a pill, we would all be lined up around the block and willing to pay whatever cost necessary to get our hands on the precious capsules.  However, exercise is generally free and is available to all of us all the time.  When we choose not to exercise, we are in effect choosing to increase our risk of all the diseases listed above.  Begin to think of exercise as a vital nutrient that your body requires.  Get outside, join a gym, or take a class.  If you simply don’t know how to get started or want some support, give us a call to learn about our gym, our personal trainers, or our classes.  Whatever you do, just get started.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Why Weight

Most of you have heard how important it is to include weight lifting as a part of your exercise routine.  Obviously any exercise is better than none at all, but if you’re not doing some form of weight or resistance training at least a couple times per week you are likely missing out on some important benefits.

For instance, in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, they found that lifting weights two times a week can decrease back pain by 18% in just 16 weeks and by 42% if you are strength training four times per week.  Other research has shown that 30 minutes of strength training two to three times per week can improve cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and improve bone density, in addition to reducing fat.  You might remember the Harvard study covered in this very column that showed exercise to be the most important factor in increasing bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.  Weight lifting also boosts your metabolism.  All exercise will burn calories, but the muscle building that is going on with just one good strength training session has been shown to burn 100 extra calories per day for up to three days after the workout.  This is why weight lifting helps keep any weight off that you may have lost with diet and exercise.  A big misconception is that you must do exercises such as yoga to increase flexibility.  While yoga is indeed great for this, a study from the University of North Dakota showed that doing strength training properly through a full range of motion was every bit as effective as stretching and yoga for increasing motion and flexibility in all joints.

Through our wellness program, we have definitely found that lifting weights intimidates many people.  But most of this seems to stem from fear of the unknown or fear of getting hurt.  Once people learn to strength train the right way and are placed on a program, they become very comfortable and even enjoy “pumping iron.”  However, there is a right way and a wrong way to strength train.  The wrong way could not only result in injury, but it will also prevent you from enjoying all the benefits listed above.  For this reason, we do recommend that you consult a trainer when getting started to teach you the right way and also to put you on a program to meet your goals.  A couple of the gyms in town offer this service as do we in our office.  Whatever you choose, don’t miss out on this important aspect of exercise and general wellness!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Fighting Free Radicals

In the past, I’ve discussed free radicals.  In the chemistry world these are molecules in the body with unpaired electrons that will attack nearby cells hoping to steal an electron thereby damaging healthy cells.  In your body, the damage of free radicals can be related to numerous diseases from arthritis to cardiovascular disease to cancer or any other form of degeneration.  Antioxidants are molecules that will neutralize free radicals by giving them the extra electron they so desperately desire. 

A new laboratory test known as ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is one of the most accurate ways to measure the ability of antioxidant to absorb free radicals. The higher the ORAC score, the better the food is for the body.  Researchers have found that consuming a combination of foods that provide a daily ORAC score of 50,000 or greater will provide the antioxidants necessary to prevent disease and reduce aging.  But what foods will deliver the most bang for your buck?  I thought it might be helpful to give you a list of the most powerful antioxidant foods based on this ORAC score.

Oddly enough, 60 grams or unprocessed and unsweetened Cacao (for dark chocolate) yields a score of 16,800.  A cup of blueberries provides 9700.  A half cup of black beans, kidney beans, lentils or pinto beans all yield an average of around 7500.  Broccoli, artichokes, or a Granny Smith apple are around the 7000 mark as well.  A cup of raspberries or strawberries both score around 6000.  And pomegranate juice is near 3000.  Obviously the key is various raw fruits and vegetables and plenty of them to get 50,000 ORAC points each day.  This is one of the many reasons why I’ve always stressed the importance of committing to 5-8 serving of raw fruits and vegetables as a staple of your daily diet.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Inflammation Part 2

Last week we began the discussion of how to reduce inflammation in the body in order to help prevent all forms of disease.  In our diets, with every bite we eat or sip we take, we are either deflaming or inflaming.  Since the diseases that result from chronic inflammation develop very slowly until it’s too late, learning to make the right choices can be the biggest factor for better health.

Last week we discussed that all grains, even whole wheat, will increase inflammation in the body.  This week, it should not come as a surprise that all oils dramatically increase this same inflammation.  In the 70’s and 80’s, we were sold the lie that margarines, corn oils and vegetable oils were good for us.  The truth is that when we use these trans fats, it is like drinking arthritis and disease.  In fact, all oils, all fried foods, and all foods made from oils such as salad dressing and most pre-packaged foods will increase inflammation in the body.  Corn oil specifically will cause a 70:1 ratio of inflammation.  This means it would take nearly 70 servings of broccoli to balance the inflammatory effect of one tablespoon of corn oil!

The lesson here is the same as with grains – moderation and good choices.  When using oils we should gravitate toward products such as extra virgin olive oil (11:1 ratio) or better yet, coconut oil.  When using olive oil, be careful not to cook at high heat as olive oil will degrade into a trans fat (hydrogenated oil) at extreme temperature – try not to let it smoke.

Monday, August 20, 2018


If there were one thing that every person could do to promote health and prevent all forms of disease it would be to “deflame”.  Nearly all experts agree that the common denominator of every disease is inflammation in the body.  Chronic inflammation will cause everything from pain and arthritis to cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.  In the next few weeks, I will be discussing how to decrease inflammation in the body.

Most of the process of reducing and avoiding inflammation in the body will start with diet.  Stated simply, we need to increase the foods that decrease inflammation and decrease the foods that promote inflammation.  One food that promotes inflammation may surprise you is grains.  But whole grains are supposed to be good for us, right?  The nutrients and fiber in whole grains certainly are beneficial and whole grains are much better than white bread and products made from white flour.  However, all grains are inflammatory.

Most grains contain two ingredients that are the source of the problem.  You’ve likely heard of gluten.  This protein will often cause a type of allergic reaction in the body that begins in the bowel.  Grains also contain a substance called phytic acid that will reduce the absorption of calcium, magnesium and zinc.  Likewise, all grains will cause the pH of our body to become more acidic which is known to cause inflammation.

Limiting the intake of grains is a great solution for reducing inflammation.  In the next few weeks I’ll discuss other strategies.

Monday, August 6, 2018

The Pain Problem

According to an article in The Back Letter, from 1996 to 2006, the total amount spent on prescription pain killers has more than tripled.  We now spend $13.2 billion on these medications every year.  The researchers are not certain, but they believe that the trend is due to increased utilization as a result of higher rates of obesity, higher perceived stress levels, and a generally poorer American lifestyle.  I’m certain all this is true, but as someone who deals in peoples’ pain every day, I find it important to understand what pain really is in order to better deal with it.

Regardless of a person’s condition, understand that the pain is not really the problem.  Pain is merely a symptom of a problem.  Think of pain as your own personal smoke alarm or check engine light.  We are hard wired through our nervous system to feel pain at a brain level most every time that we have dysfunction or some kind of imbalance in our body.  In other words, pain is there to alert us that something is not right and to keep us from doing even more damage to that injured area.  So again I say that the pain is not the problem.  And any time you are taking a pain reliever, you are merely covering up the symptom of the real problem.  It is exactly like shutting off the smoke alarm and going back to bed.

So what should you do if you are in pain?  Find the problem.  Often times the pain can be the result of something you are doing repeatedly or a problem in your lifestyle (diet, exercise, stress).  It could be something from work, the way you sit, or the way you sleep.  If you can’t find the problem, make certain you find a doctor, chiropractor, therapist, etc. who does.  Do not settle for pain pills as a solution.  Pain is often the result of inflammation (swelling) in the body.  People who are in chronic pain need to deal with the chronic inflammation.  This is where changes in diet, beginning light exercise, reducing stress, improving sleep are all critical.  Drinking more water and reducing sugars, grains, and corn/vegetable oils can be effective as well.  As I’ve said so many times, the omega 3 fatty acids that are found in fish and krill oils are essential and necessary for reducing any inflammatory process in the body.  One thing is for certain; continuing to take increased amounts of pain pills is not solving the problem.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Exercising Better School Grades

In staying true to the back-to-school theme, I found this information.  Middle school students who perform more vigorous physical activity than more sedentary students tend to do better in school, according to a new study done by researchers from Michigan State University and Grand Valley State University.  Does this mean that P.E. class is the answer?  “Physical education and activity during the school day reduce boredom and help keep kids’ attention in the classroom,” said Dawn Podulka Coe, the study’s lead author, “but enrollment in PE alone did not influence grades.”

The researchers did find that students who took part in more vigorous physical activities – such as organized sports like soccer or football, or non-organized after-school activities such as skateboarding – did approximately 10 percent better in core classes such as math, science, English and social studies.  According to Coe, “The students who performed better academically in this study were the most active, meaning those who participated in a sport or other vigorous activity at least three times a week.”

The difference between vigorous activity and moderate activity is thought to be related to heart rate. Moderate activities, such as walking or raking leaves, don’t increase the heart enough. Vigorous activities, such as running or swimming for exercise, increase heart rate, causing the exerciser to breathe harder and increase oxygen to the brain.

With school about to start, I urge all parents to take this new study to heart. Get your kids out doing vigorous exercise.  And while this study was performed only on sixth graders, I’m confident the benefits will work for the parents as well!  Be the example for your kids and schedule time for exercise together.

Monday, July 23, 2018

The Backpack Dilemma

With the start of school right around the corner, it’s a good time to discuss backpack safety.  While I don’t believe that backpacks are inherently evil, it is common knowledge that overloaded and improper fitting backpacks can lead to numerous spinal problems and symptoms including back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and headaches.  In fact, the journal Spine reported that 74% of backpack users complained of such symptoms and also had “poorer general health” than those not using a backpack.

The professional weight recommendation is that a backpack should not weigh more than 15% of the child’s body weight due to the risk of serious back pain and scoliosis complications.  For most kids, this is not a great deal of weight!  Both straps need to be worn over both shoulders and the bulk of the pack should rest upon the lower back.  If you can find a pack with elastic in the shoulder straps, this also relieves some stress/shock of the upper back and neck.

See the chart below to determine how heavy your child's, or your backpack should be.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Apples and Pears

As we put on weight and our body changes shape from an ideal anatomy, we assume two basic body shapes based on two different types of fat.  We either become an apple shape or a pear shape.  There are different health risks and complications with each of these types.  But, as I recently learned, there are different strategies on how to combat these types of fat and body shapes and failure to recognize these will make weight loss more difficult.
The apple shaped body is the result of belly fat otherwise known as visceral adipose tissue.  This is dangerous as this fat gets deep inside the abdomen and crowds the organs.  This apple shape is associated with a greater risk of heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes, gall bladder problems, high blood pressure, and colorectal cancer.  The pear shape has fat that is more superficial and surrounds the muscles of the hips and thighs.  This fat is associated with osteoporosis, varicose veins, life-threatening blood clots, and menopausal symptoms.  In both instances, a person is carrying excess fat and both instances need to include a better diet with exercise programs that include high-intensity cardio training as well as strength training.  Both types of weight are complicated by the stress hormone cortisol.  Research shows that mild exercise such as walking will not affect this hormone levels.  However, high intensity exercise can blast the fat away by increasing human growth hormone.  This means you have to push yourself and work hard, but you also need to take measures to reduce emotional stress as well.  Regarding both body types, sugars and processed carbs must be reduced while protein and vegetable carbs must be maintained.
The difference between apples and pears is that the apple shape is largely from a sedentary lifestyle and high glycemic foods such as sugars and processed grains.  A low glycemic diet coupled with the exercise and stress reduction mentioned above will generally produce results.  Recent research has shown that the pear shape is more involved with various toxins and this toxic stress to the system will alter the adrenal and thyroid hormones.  For this reason, weight on the hips and thighs may be less life threatening, but it’s also harder to lose.  Detoxification protocols are the most effective way to address the fat stored with the pear-shaped body.  These programs include a low-glycemic, healthy diet, but add various supplements to clean the liver, colon, kidney, and gall bladder.  Most experts believe the source of toxicity in these cases is from various pesticides and even heavy metals.  Your detox program needs to address these sources.  Avoiding soy, coffee, alcohol, lunch meats, and the trans-fats will also help when dealing with a pear shape due to their influence on estrogen levels.  Flax seeds, cruciferous vegetables, organic meats, artichoke hearts, broccoli, beets and bean sprouts are foods that have been proven effective in lowering estrogen levels to aid in fat loss.  
Weight loss can often be a challenge, but I’ve seen the difficulty first hand with the pear-shaped body type.  Likewise, I’ve seen these detoxification programs produce results.  We use a 10-day detox by Metagenics.  This is the best program I’ve found over the years to relieve the toxic stress.  However, ten days is often just the jump-start and continued supplementation may be required for 6-12 months when dealing with excessive weight on the hips and thighs.  There are many detox programs out there.  Look into these as a strategy for weight loss and better health.

Monday, July 9, 2018

And the Loser Is . . .

A recent study looked at what foods are the worst if you are attempting to lose weight.  They found that the food that caused a person to gain more weight per serving than any other food out there was potato chips.  They also concluded that eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong foods may be more important than just eating less food in general when it comes to losing weight.

In a similar study, researchers looked at what diet strategy was the most effective.  The two dietary programs that topped the list were the D.A.S.H. program (standing for the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) and the Mediterranean diet.  Both of these diets promote the consumption of vegetables, fruits, lean protein, whole grains and low-fat dairy (in this order of priority).  Likewise, both approaches recommend avoiding sugars, red meat and salt.  In the end, both diets are quite effective in reducing high blood pressure and reducing weight at the same time.  You should also take note that these approaches turn the food pyramid that we’ve been taught since grammar school upside down.  Rather than grains and dairy as the foundation of our pyramid, they are found in lowest priority while vegetables and fruits make up the base.

Whether it’s these two diets or any other effective diet, one thing is clear.  Sugar and table salt must be reduced while vegetables and fruits must be increased.  Our eating habits are just that – habits.  And to change any habit, you must start by changing your beliefs.  You must start looking at sugar, processed snack foods, fried foods, and artificial sweeteners as poisons that are as toxic as arsenic.  They may not kill as quickly as arsenic, but over time the effect is the same.  Commit to making vegetables and fruits along with lean meats such as chicken, fish, turkey, and low fat beef (preferably free-range sources for all of these) the staples of your diet for just one month while cutting sugars, chips, crackers and snacks for just one month and see what happens.  If you don’t notice a favorable change, consider it a failed experiment and go back to your old habits.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Cleaning Out

Even the American Cancer Association recognizes that around 80% of cancer is related to environmental toxins – from what we eat, drink, and breathe.  According to all sources, despite some futile efforts to control it, the toxic load that we take in only seems to increase.  This is why I always recommend an annual detoxification or cleanse to attempt to flush out all the impurities, toxins, and general unwanted goop that builds up in our system over the year.

In researching different types of cleanses, I discovered that detoxification programs are considered somewhat controversial as there is not a great deal of scientific data to support their significance.  Even though I’m a fan of the data, sometimes common sense must prevail and cleaning out your system once in a while is just that.  There are dozens of methods by which to cleanse, but you must realize that just like with everything in nature, your body will do this naturally if you just give it a chance.  The first step of any detox is to clean up your lifestyle for a few weeks.  This means taking a break from the sugars and artificial sweeteners, the processed grains, the hydrogenated oils, and any other chemicals such as caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol.  For a few weeks, try committing to just fruits, vegetables, and lean meat that has never seen the deep fryer.  This toxic vacation will give your liver, kidneys, colon, and skin to work naturally and clean out.

If you simply cannot commit to this amount of time, you could do an accelerated cleanse by using different herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion root, or burdock.  Unsweetened green tea and diluted cider vinegar have also shown benefit.  Every major vitamin company has their own detox program using their supplements.  Any of these programs should include extra water and fiber to help clean out.  Fresh squeezed lemon water first thing in the morning is effective as are foods such as spinach, kale, red peppers, garlic, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and cilantro.  Join us for our Detox Wellness Talk next Monday, July 2nd at 5:30 p.m. to learn more about detoxing. Register on Facebook, on Eventbrite or by calling our office at 812-273-HEAL (4325).