Monday, July 1, 2019

It’s All Perfect

In 2013, the world lost an innovator and visionary in the field of healthcare.  Dr. M.T. Morter Jr. devoted his life to learning and teaching the truth of human physiology, spirituality, and the nature of health and disease.  He was one of the wisest men I’ve met, possessed of absolute clarity of thought.  He was a man driven by purpose and his purpose was to change the health of mankind worldwide.  I first saw Dr. Morter speak several years ago and it instantly changed the way I looked at health and physiology forever.  I thought I’d share a few of these basic concepts and “Morterisms” to see if they can shift your way of thinking as well.

One of the biggest ideas that Dr. Morter taught is that our bodies are smart and that physiology is always perfect.  In the same way that we develop from two cells into 75 trillion cells without any help, our body is designed to function perfectly on its own.   This means that our cut finger knows how to repair just like our broken arm does.  However, this also means that illness is a perfect response as well!  Just as a stomach ache is the perfect response to a full day of junk food at the fair, so is the flu, arthritis, lupus, and yes, even cancer.  I understand that this may be difficult for some to swallow, but after teaching anatomy and physiology for many years, I’m confident that it’s true.  You have to accept that the body was not necessarily designed for health, but rather, it was designed to survive and adapt.  In other words, the body is constantly reacting and responding to our environment.  A healthy environment will promote normal, healthy physiology or “ease.”  An unhealthy environment will promote a state of dis-ease or illness.  The entire field of epigenetics has proven this to be true.  Now some will still say, “It’s all about our genes.”  But even the latest research proves that genes are merely 25% of our potential; the rest is environment.

So what environment are we adapting to?  Dr. Morter referred to this as the Six Essentials which are: what we eat, drink and breathe, and how we exercise, sleep and think.  All six of these are important, but by far the most important is how we think.  “We cannot be in a healing mode and a survival (stressed) mode at the same time.”  Morter also taught that the body is designed to deal with present physical stressors, but it cannot heal a negative memory or emotional stress from the past embedded in our subconscious.  These negative memories in the brain produce stress hormones which lead to a state of exhaustion over time, and ultimately to symptoms and a state of disease.  We need to follow the rules of all six essentials, but most importantly, we need to heal our emotional pasts and live in the present.  Looking at all life’s encounters as a lesson is one tool to this; practicing meditation is another.  But, “thinking about what we think about” is the key.  Begin to replace negative thought patterns with positive thoughts and the most universal and potent of these is gratitude and forgiveness. Dr. Morter authored numerous books, cd’s, and dvd’s, all available at

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